Memorandum of Cooperation with SDASU

On September 30, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Georgian Association of Mediators and David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia.
The signatories of the Memorandum are Irakli Kandashvili, Chairperson of the Georgian Association of Mediators and Teimuraz Koridze, Rector of David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia.

The Memorandum provides for cooperation on essential issues of common interests of the parties, and implementation of joint activities, projects and initiatives for the development and promotion of mediation system, including the establishment of a common mediation center.

The parties launched a three-month joint project to resolve labor disputes caused by pandemic through mediation.

As established by the Memorandum, the Georgian Association of Mediators and David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia, with the support of the European Union and the United National Development Programme (UNDP) will support resolving disputes between employers and employees caused by pandemic peacefully, in a timely manner and at a less cost.

The Georgian Association of Mediators and David Aghmashenebeli University of Georgia closely cooperate in integrating mediation into the education system, as well as organizing various joint events.

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