National Competition on Commercial Mediation has started


On March 12-13, in the framework of the Memorandum signed between the Mediators Association of Georgia and the European University, theoretical and practical training in negotiation and mediation was organized for the participants of the National Commercial Mediation Competition organized by the European University. The event was opened by Tatia Dolidze - Head of the Law program at the European University, Tamar Imnaishvili - Executive Secretary of the Mediators Association of Georgia, and Natia Chitashvili - Executive Director of the National Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution (TSU NCADR). 30 students from 15 authorized higher education institutions in Georgia are participating in the competition. The theoretical and practical training of the participants was led by the project manager - Sophio Dughashvili, with the thematically invited speakers of the project - Elene Orjonike, Tamta Devdariani, Salome Bezhashvili, and Irakli Tsurtsumia. Upon completion of the training, a national competition will be held for 3 days , which will reveal the winner team and the participants in the respective nominations. At the end of the competition, the winners will be awarded with special prizes, and all participants will receive a certificate of participation. The best project participants will also have the opportunity to engage in internship programs.
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პროექტ „MediateHER Georgia" ფარგლებში 20-21-22 ნოემბერს ქუთაისის უნივერსიტეტში ჩატარდა მედიაციის უნარ-ჩვევების განმავითარებელ ტრენინგი.

საქართველოს მედიატორთა ასოციაციის მხარდაჭერით, მოქმედ მედიატორ და მედიატორობის მსურველ ქალთათვის, ქალთა გაძლიერების მიზნების შესაბამისად, პროექტ „MediateHER Georgia ფარგლებში 20-21-22 ნოემბერს ქუთაისის უნივერსიტეტში ჩატარდა მედიაციის უნარ-ჩვევების განმავითარებელ ტრენინგი.