Chairman of the “Mediators Association of Georgia” Irakli Kandashvili and Executive Secretary of the Association Tamar Imnaishvili met with students of Ivane Javakhishvili University

Chairman of the “Mediators Association of Georgia” Irakli Kandashvili and Executive Secretary of the Association Tamar Imnaishvili met with students of Ivane Javakhishvili University. Under an existing memorandum among  Mediators Association of Georgia and Tbilisi State University, 25 Tbilisi State University students of Bachelor and Master levels will be engaged in mediation simulation processes, organized to evaluate mediator’s practical skills. This activity is organized to develop the professional competencies of the mediator and the party representatives based on special training. The practical activities of students from the faculty of Law of Tbilisi State University are carried out within the practical component of clinical teaching and will be considered and recognized as teaching credits in the academic semesters of the higher education institution. Two-month internship for students of Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law, and clinical teaching of mediation will be implemented based on Mediators Association of Georgian. The internship will be conducted quarterly, during spring and fall mediator skill assessment sessions.
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Mediator and lawyer Mr. Irakli Kandashvili, chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, was elected as a member of the governing board of the European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) ) for the second time.

The chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia thanks his European colleagues for the second trust and for this great opportunity. according to Irakli Kandashvili, the development of international relations will contribute to the strengthening and development of the lawyers' profession and bringing it closer to European standards.