Important information for those interested in mediation!

Please be informed that from September 20, 2021, registration for the program to test the practical skills of mediators has started. Those interested in registering for the program can do so until October 5, 2021.

Please note that according to the certification program of the Mediators Association of Georgia, for the purposes of testing the practical skills of the Mediators Certification Program, the number of participants in each stream is determined by no more than 200 participants, who are registered on a first come, first served basis. A person who fails to register for the current stream will pass the practical skills testing phase within the next stream.

The person wishing to pass the program must attach the following documents to the application form:

(1) a copy of the identity card of a citizen of Georgia;
(2) Certificate of mediation / mediator training in the last 3 years;
(3) Biography (CV);
(4) Receipt of payment of a practical skills test.


The fee for the practical skills test was set at GEL 250.
Please pay the fee to the following account - (GE89BG0000000498811) Bank code: BAGAGE22).



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