Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, together with the Georgian delegation, participated in the 5th Armenian-Georgian Legal Forum in Yerevan

The Armenian-Georgian Legal Cooperation Forum has been held since 2015 and promotes the strengthening of partnership, effective and friendly relations between the Ministries of Justice of Georgia and Armenia.

Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, introduced the Georgian model of the Georgian law "On Mediation" to the public participating in the forum, spoke about the use of mediation in Georgia as a new mechanism for dispute regulation, as well as the specific results of the innovations and reforms introduced in this short period. High-ranking delegations led by the Ministers of Justice of Armenia and Georgia take part in the forum.

Heads of the Georgian Government Administration, Special Penitentiary Service, Personal Data Protection Service, Lawyers' Association and Legal Aid Service are participating in the event along with the Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia and representatives of the Ministry. It should be noted that similar forums strengthen the functioning of institutions at the national level.


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