Memorandum of Cooperation with the Office of the State Inspector

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the “Mediators Association of Georgia” and the State Inspector Service.

The purpose of the memorandum is to introduce mediation as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism in Georgia and to support its promotion, to ensure protection of the parties’ personal data involved in the mediation process; organizing and implementation the training courses for mediators on the issues related to personal data protection; in order to promote mediation, planning joint events, roundtables, conferences and other activities;

The memorandum was signed by Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the “Mediators Association of Georgia”, and Londa Toloraia, Head of the State Inspector Service.

The “Mediators Association of Georgia” will take all the necessary steps to maintain the standard of confidentiality of the mediation process and to ensure protection of the personal data of all parties involved in the process.
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