The first regional conference "Regional cooperation in the field of mediation"

The first regional conference was organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia, where lawyers and mediators were invited from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine took part. 

This event was implemented with the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all".

The purpose of the event is to promote the establishment of long-term relations and to create a mediation hub in the Caucasus region.

The event was opened by Irakli Kandashvili, the chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, and Levan Asatian, the head of the UN Development Program project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all", addressed the participants. 

The chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia said that regional conferences of this type, on the one hand, deepen the relations between neighbors, which is very important and relevant considering the current global situation, and on the other hand, it is a very important platform for cooperation between professions, which will help the five countries to develop mediation in the region. 

During the conference, the participants had the opportunity to present and share the experiences of their countries. 

At the event, the representatives of the countries expressed their willingness to cooperate and thanked the Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia for initiating and implementing the idea of ​​cooperation between professions in the region, for which the Mediation Council of Azerbaijan personally awarded the Chairman of the Association Irakli Kandashvili and the Mediators Association of Georgia. 

The countries participating in the conference agreed to continue working on raising awareness of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (mediation) and establishing a network of interconnections between the countries of the South Caucasus.

The cooperation between the countries will be stable and the conference will become annual.

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