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LEPL "Mediators Association of Georgia" actively continues to popularize and develop mediation

LEPL "Mediators Association of Georgia" actively continues to popularize and develop mediation. To this end, a Charter was signed on November 22, by which institutions with high social responsibility expressed their readiness towards the process of promoting the developing mediation as far as possible.

First Annual International Forum "Mediation for Lawyers"

With the united initiative of the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Georgian Bar Association, with the support of USAID-PROLoG - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity, the annual international forum "Mediation for Lawyers" was established.

20 November 2020 EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell was hosted by Mediators Association of Georgia.

20 November 2020 EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell was hosted by Mediators Association of Georgia. Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, and Tamar Imnaishvili, Executive Secretary of the Association, hosted the EU Ambassador to Georgia, Carl Hartzell, and EU Delegation to Georgia, Anne Birgite Hensen, Program Advisor for Human Rights, Justice, Donor Coordination.

A training on "Gender and Gender Relations" was held for the members of the Mediators Association of Georgia, organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia and supported by the donor organization UN WOMEN.

18 November 2020 Organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia and supported by the donor organization UN WOMEN, a training on "Gender and Gender Relations" was held for the members of the Association.

Analysis of the experience of mediation practice in neighboring countries: the example of Georgia

Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, at the invitation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held a meeting with representatives of the legal profession of Uzbekistan - Analysis of the experience of mediation practice in neighboring countries: the example of Georgia

Workshop between members of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association and the Office of the Independent Inspector

A working meeting between the members of the Ethics Commission of the Mediators Association and the Office of the Independent Inspector, organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia and supported by the Council of Europe, is currently underway

Registration for the program for the develop real mediation leadership skills begins on November 1

Registration for the program for the develop real mediation leadership skills begins on November 1

Introductory working meeting with the members of the Mediators Association of Georgia

At the moment, an introductory working meeting with the members of the Mediators Association of Georgia is underway within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Georgian Mediators Association and the Public Defender of Consumers Service.

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Mediators Association of Georgia and Public Defender of Consumer Interests

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Mediators Association of Georgia and Public Defender of Consumer Interests

Memorandum of Understanding

Tamar Imnaishvili, Executive Secretary of the Mediators Association of Georgia, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Association

International online conference

Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, participated in the third international conference organized by the European Bar Association (AEA-EAL) within the framework of the Twinnig for lawyers program

Working meeting mediation Committee of the European Bar Association

The next working meeting was held with the Mediation Committee of the European Bar Association, chaired by Irakli Kandashvili, Head of the Mediators Association of Georgia