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The first regional conference "Regional cooperation in the field of mediation"

The first regional conference was organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia, where lawyers and mediators were invited from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine took part.

Sharing of experience between "mediators and arbitrators"

As part of the Mediation Week, the Mediator Association of Georgia and the Arbitrators Association of Georgia organized the event "Experience Sharing" between mediators and arbitrators, which was supported by the USAID Rule of Law Program "Mediation Institutional Strengthening and Development Project".

Presentation of another monographic work "Negotiation and Representation in Mediation" by Irakli Kandashvili, Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia.

Another monographic work of Irakli Kandashvili, "Negotiation and Representation in Mediation" by the university professor and chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia, "Negotiation and Representation in Mediation" was held in front of lawyers, mediators and the interested public at Grigol Robakidze University.

Official swearing-in ceremony of mediators

On the mediator's professional day, about 100 newly joined mediators took part in the official swearing-in ceremony and took the professional oath.

Working meeting with judges

As part of Mediation Week, "Mediators Association of Georgia" with the support of USAID Rule of Law Program "Mediation Institutional Strengthening and Development Project", held a working meeting with judges in a round table format.

The third interdisciplinary forum - "Mediation in Georgia - challenges and perspective".

The third interdisciplinary forum - "Mediation in Georgia - Challenges and Prospects" was held within the framework of the week dedicated to Mediation Day, organized by the Mediators Association of Georgia and with the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all".

3rd annual international forum in a row - "Mediation for lawyers"

Within the framework of the week dedicated to Mediation Day, with the support of the USAID Rule of Law Program, the 3rd annual international forum - "Mediation for Lawyers" was held jointly by the Mediators Association of Georgia and the Georgian Bar Association.

On December 16, 2023, the next general meeting will be held by the "Mediators Association of Georgia"

On December 16, 2023, the next general meeting will be held by the "Mediators Association of Georgia"

Days of Mediation of Tbilisi 2023

Days of Mediation of Tbilisi 2023

Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia Irakli Kandashvili met with Zaza Rukhadze, co-founder of the Georgian-American University, vice-president, dean of the School of Law, Social Sciences and Diplomacy.

Chairman of the Mediators Association of Georgia Irakli Kandashvili met with Zaza Rukhadze, co-founder of the Georgian-American University, vice-president, dean of the School of Law, Social Sciences and Diplomacy.

Meeting with women to empower women "Try Mediation"

Organized by the "Mediators Association of Georgia’’ and with the support of the partner donor organization, the United Nations Development Program and the German government, with the support of the project "Improving the rule of law and access to justice for all", a meeting with women was held in order to empower women "Try Mediation".

Meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Marneuli - "Try mediation"

With the support of the United Nations Development Program and Germany, within the framework of the project "Improving access to the rule of law and justice for all", the Mediators Association of Georgia held a meeting with ethnic minority representatives in Marneuli, "Try Mediation"